escape主题公园_escape museum


 Shenzhen Happy Valley, located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, is the most famous national touring theme park during the construction of the oversea Chinese city. Covering an area of 350,000 square meters (about 86 acres), the park combines modern fallow concept with high-tech entertainment way and creates new style travel brand firstly. Shenzhen Happy Valley is composed of nine areas with different themes, including Spanish Square, Cartoon City, Mt. Adventure, Gold Mine Town, Shangri-la Woods, Sunshine Beach, Typhoon Bay, Playa Maya Water Park and Happy Times. The park encompasses nearly 100 exciting games for adults and children. Every day in the park, there are excellent performances in different styles, such as magic, acrobatics and extreme sports. The attractions you must watch out for are the Space Port, Gold Mine Train, Suspended Looping Coaster and Shoot the Cute. Inside, there are several restaurants such as the KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken – a chain of fast food restaurants based in the US. The Space Port launches you up to 60 meters in the air and drops you down all of a sudden. Cartoon City is a paradise not only for children, but for adults as well. In addition to all of that, visitors can enjoy some of the new games such as Froghopper and Forest Climbing on the Adventure Mountain. A Russian troupe Star of Saint Petersburg presents their folk dance and acrobatics in the Happy Theater. The Valley is a fast becoming park and is one of Shenzhen’s first parks with catering, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment facilities. To the east of the Cartoon City, there is the exciting Mt. Adventure with dense woods and beautiful flowers. 'The Space Shot' here would bring you the breathtaking experience of rising up to 60 meters (about 197 feet) high within 1.8 seconds and falling down freely like a water drop. Go on walking and you will reach the Gold Mine Town. The set is based on a small flooded mine town in North America. People can experience a thrilling escape from a 'flood' on the Gold Mine Train. The Gold Mine Workshop offers people a chance to forge a steel keepsake. Compared to American amusement parks, Happy Valley is extremely spacious, offering you ample room between the respective attractions. Various Recreation Facilities There are nine theme sections in Happy Valley. They are Spanish Plaza, Cartoon City, Adventure Mountain, Happy Time, Gold Mine Town, Shangri-la Forest, Hurricane Bay, Sunshine Coast, Maya Water Park and Happy Train, a high-altitude single track train. There are over 100 colorful entertaining items here for young and old. Many items are imported from USA, Holland and Germany and they are particular in China and even in Asia. There is the first "Discoverer" in China which swings at a great height. There is "UFO", a riding item for the family which is up to the minute in the world and number one in Asia. There is "Shooting the rapids", which has the largest fall in the world. There is "Xueshan Feilong", the first suspended roller coaster in China. There is Space Shuttle, the first "screaming tower" in China and the highest one in Asia. There is the first Four-dimension Cinema in Asia, which combines seeing, hearing and feeling together. There is Maya Water Park, which is the only park in Asia that by rewarded the international prize of World Water Park Association.



全园共有九大主题区:西班牙广场、魔幻城堡、冒险山、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸、欢乐时光和亚洲首座荣获国际水公园协会“行业创新奖”的玛雅水公园,100多个老少皆宜、丰富多彩的游乐项目。从美国、荷兰、德国等国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目:如世界最高落差的“激流勇进”、中国第一座悬挂式过山车“雪山飞龙”、中国第一座巷道式“矿山车”、中国第一座 “完美风暴”、中国第一辆“仿古典式环园小火车”、亚洲最高、中国第一座“惊险之塔”--太空梭、亚洲首座集视觉、听觉、触觉于一体的四维影院、世界轨道最长的水战船--丛林水战以及国际一流水平、国内第一条高架观光游览列车--欢乐干线。

秉承“建不完的欢乐谷,玩不完的欢乐谷”经营理念,创造“常看常新、常玩常新”的顾客价值,2008年,深圳欢乐谷再次创新升级,投资2亿人民币打造全新项目“魔幻城堡”。魔幻城堡是亚洲首创魔幻主题游乐空间,国内唯一奇幻天伦乐园,占地面积约4万平方米,由梦幻岛、魔法森林、魔幻城堡三大主题区构成,共有 20多个妙趣横生的游乐项目。



全园共有九大主题区:西班牙广场、魔幻城堡、冒险山、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸、欢乐时光和亚洲首座荣获国际水公园协会“行业创新奖”的玛雅水公园,100多个老少皆宜、丰富多彩的游乐项目。从美国、荷兰、德国等国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目:如世界最高落差的“激流勇进”、中国第一座悬挂式过山车“雪山飞龙”、中国第一座巷道式“矿山车”、中国第一座 “完美风暴”、中国第一辆“仿古典式环园小火车”、亚洲最高、中国第一座“惊险之塔”--太空梭、亚洲首座集视觉、听觉、触觉于一体的四维影院、世界轨道最长的水战船--丛林水战以及国际一流水平、国内第一条高架观光游览列车--欢乐干线。

秉承“建不完的欢乐谷,玩不完的欢乐谷”经营理念,创造“常看常新、常玩常新”的顾客价值,2008年,深圳欢乐谷再次创新升级,投资2亿人民币打造全新项目“魔幻城堡”。魔幻城堡是亚洲首创魔幻主题游乐空间,国内唯一奇幻天伦乐园,占地面积约4万平方米,由梦幻岛、魔法森林、魔幻城堡三大主题区构成,共有 20多个妙趣横生的游乐项目。


2006年12月初到12月25日,日本环球影城推出环球奇异圣诞节庆典。建有36米的日本最高圣诞树,并且为庆祝开园5周年,日本环球影城用上较往年多逾5倍的、约30万颗灯泡作装饰。此外,在圣诞树前的舞台,更上演配合小提琴伴奏及纽约城市歌剧团成员演出的歌唱秀白色圣诞节颂歌,还有天使在两侧缓缓升上半空 。而5周年花车巡游活动推出了圣诞特别版,包括Hello Kitty、Snoopy等园内人气卡通偶像跟舞蹈艺员大跳劲舞。此外,由真人串演的圣诞士兵,也在好莱坞大道上现身,供游人拍照 。

2010年7月23到25日,大阪日本环球影城第3次举办超大型户外演唱会《2010 Friends of Music with Asia-Pacific UN Global Tolerance》。23日有韩国美少女组合4minute,偶像组合BEAST,日本组合SPEED和AAA出演。24日日本乐团BIGBANG、Crystal Kay、CHEMISTRY、BENI等进行演唱。最后一天25日由超新星、Gospellers、Do As Infinity等乐团进行压轴演出 。

2011年9月6日到11月3日期间,日本环球影城举行万圣节派对,配合日本环球影城10周年主题“HappySurprise!(欢乐惊喜)”限定举行“环球惊喜万圣节”。游行融合了美国纽澳良化装舞会、威尼斯假面舞会以及里约热内卢狂欢节等元素,伴有9辆花车、100名奇装异服的表演者、卡通人物等 。

2012年10月4日到2012年11月11日,日本环球影城打造成《生化危机》主题公园。公园的环境会被CAPCOM布置的和浣熊市一模一样,而其中也会有工作人员打扮成丧尸的形象来与游客互动。日本环球影城原有的《终结者2》3D娱乐设施将被改造成《生化危机》主题的新设施——名叫“伞公司:T病毒逃亡(Umbrella Corporation: T-Virus Escape)”,游客可跟随设计路线一同逃亡这个设施,体验刺激感受。另外主题公园中还会提供与《生化危机》有关的食品,比如大脑一样的菜和药水一样的饮料 。

2014年8月8日到11月9日,位于日本大阪市的日本环球影城内举办以Capcom著名恐怖游戏《生化危机》系列为主题,并命名为”真实的生化危机2“(Biohazard The Real 2)的类似于鬼屋的展览游玩活动 。

2015年7月,日本环球影城开设能与妖怪见面的“妖怪手表the real”娱乐项目,大受游客好评,延长了开放时间。并在11月13日至2016年1月13日期间,开设第二弹再现《妖怪手表》世界观的“妖怪手表the real 2”娱乐项目,增加了登场妖怪的种类 。